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Always a bridesmaid...

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Momma Kiss: Always a bridesmaid...

Momma Kiss

If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Always a bridesmaid...

My ribs hurt from laughing, let me TELL you!

I met my friend A at her place at 6. She’s the Hostess with the Mostess and was prepping some cheese & crackers and had just popped the bubbly. Mmmm. And as soon as we got the ‘hello’s over, she says “You and me need to go upstairs and change. Now.” I say sure, but I need some deets.

Turns out her co-worker, P also lives near hear and she invited her to have drinks with us and when she asked her, P said “Oh, should I wear my pink sparkly dress and heels?” P is a total tomboy and NOT the heels type, just a sarcastic bitch.

So when A said we had to change, she meant into formal gowns. We were to be all dolled up when P arrived. Oh my head, I was sooo up for it. We ran up to her room – which was humid as a rainforest – and were trying on all of her 10 Bridesmaid dresses. One was the dress she wore in my wedding, another was this green damask number. We laughed so hard I literally couldn’t breathe. Well, I couldn’t breathe b/c the friggin dresses were so tight, too, but we were in hysterics. So we’re getting fancy, bright lipstick, heels – the whole shebang…and go back down to drink and lounge waiting for P.

We waited.
And waited.
And waited! Sweating buckets, drinking more. And continually killing ourselves w/ our antics. Turns out P is typically late – but we didn’t learn this till later.

Anyway, when she arrived, she loved the joke, we took some pics, changed and continued to drink and laugh.

Nothing better than a good Girls Night Out!

I was out till 2am and am draggin ASS today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO. You crack me up!!!
2am huh? I don't remember the last time I stayed up that late!

8/16/08, 8:52 PM  

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